Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hunter Happenings

We are just a few weeks away from Hunter's First birthday. Thought I would update on his latest and greatest. He is crawling all over the house and pulling up trying to climb on everything. He is FAST! Even with his peg leg pirate crawl. LOVES chasing and trying to tackle Baxter. He is working on standing up alone and trying to take a step or two. Still a champ with two naps a day and sleeping through the night just fine. LOVES to eat big people food, especially if he gets to feed himself, I think mac and cheese is his fav right now. Loves be in the water, tub or pool. SPLASH SPLASH! He likes to wrestle with daddy on the floor after work. He is just a happy happy little guy and I can't believe a year has come and gone already. A few other of Hunter's favs.......
Cedermont Kids: Toddler Tunes-loves it!
Swinging with Bauer Power and Ellie Bell
Saturday mornings at DOTS flirting with the waitresses
Working up something FIERCE haha
Climbing and beating on Baxie's kennel Oh yeah....STILL NO TEETH! haha


Spencer Girl said...

Hey girl! Didn't see you on Sat. but I only had one contact in and well, the eyesight it's agoing. How's the FBC situation going? Any word?

Amy Z said...

I had to laugh when I read about Hunter's peg leg pirate crawl! You are too funny with your descriptive words! You are right! I missed keeping him in the nursery this past week, I wanted to get some loving in with that cutie pie!